Event hero

Humorist Pål Riise – Standup

Host: Langfjord Samfunnshus


Starts at 21:00


The stand-up show PÅ RANDEN AV FREMTIA with Pål Riise, also called “the king of humor in Finnmark”.
The laughter is guaranteed to ring all the way to the ceiling with 80 minutes of stand-up of the highest Finnish class, by Pål Riise himself!
Afterwards, the summer evening continues and rounds off the Langfjord day with a pub and dancing to swinging music from the community centre’s good sound system, organized by our excellent sound engineer.
Tickets NOK 375 (courtesy NOK 295) are sold at www.ticketmaster.no.

Keep up to date on the event network’s own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/439937281285942?ref=newsfeed